Monday 11 April 2011

It Was Written..good things come to those who write!

My Journey to Catch 22 

January 2011 brought in a new year and a new focus for me. The past year had been pretty bad on the work front, rejection and despair being a common theme. I knew I needed something to happen this year. It had to change. It was luck more than anything that allowed me to apply for Catch 22. I saw a random tweet about it and applied on a whim, not expecting to get a response. I got interviewed and met some of the team, saw the workplace and got a flavour of what Catch was about. Everything impressed me, from the team, to the opportunities available, to the journalists who were helping out and the chance to meet some like minded people.

The first day was a typical first day. The feeling of nerves and excitement all rolled into one. I had no idea what to expect or what to do but it was cool. Plus, the night before I went to the Chelsea vs Man United game. It wasn't wise staying there till the early hours with some of my dad's friends but they literally wouldn't let me go! But I pulled through the induction day...just!

The first proper day was just awkward as the induction but naturally over time people opened up. There are all sorts of characters here, from the really quiet and laid back, to the more outspoken and funny. I think that's what makes this place so great: everyone is so different. I'm the more of the quiet type but I've opened up in the last few weeks, caught some jokes and that sort of thing. My time here so far has been dope and I really can't believe we're half way through this, but time flies when you're having fun.....learning. (yes, learning can be fun shock horror!).

Then there's the tutors. They're hard task masters, but you know what it's good. It's quite funny when I come up with what I think is a sick idea then Matilda does the 'but where/why are we doing this feature?!' line, leaving me umming trying to convince her. I failed to convince her today but otherwise I've got better at picking up ideas and spinning them... Then there's Simmy, he's cool too and is always on hand to offer advice. He made music back in the day, he really needs to show us some more! Mike is laid back and has the dry wit that has people in stitches (that buffalo exercise was JOKES). Toks, reminds me of Paulie from Goodfellas. He doesn't raise his voice or nothing like that but he's just straight to the point. Yes/no, bish bash bosh. Hopefully none of us get whacked in the coming weeks. I haven't had Kate but she was savvy when we had the interview, it would be nice to have her for a session. All in all Catch 22 has been sick,  I'm currently working on my feature. Aah yes, you want to know about it don't you? Well watch this space..... good things come to those who write!  

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